Question settings

Click on  to open question settings menu. Below are the list of settings:

1. Required toggle: Toggle on if it is a required question and cannot be skipped.

2. Subtitle toggle: Toggle on to add subtitle to the question.

3. Question Image: You may upload an image for every question. Note for Multiple Choice with Image question, choice images are uploaded via an upload  button beside the choice.

4. Button text: Change the text of the “continue” button

5. Allow multiple toggle: Only appear for Select and Image Select questions. If toggle is off, customers may only select 1 choice for the question.

Click on  to delete a question


Multiple choice type questions:

Adding a new choice: Press Enter key while selecting Choice bar to insert a new Choice.

Deleting a choice: Press Backspace key while selecting an empty Choice bar.

Uploading choice image: For Multiple Choice with Image question, click on  icon on the right of the Choice bar to upload an image for the choice.