How to use Shopping Quiz logic and available functions.


Logic allows you to jump questions through your quiz (skipping other questions) based on their response on the previous question. For example, if response to question 1 is “yes” then jump to question 3. 

In this way, customers do not have to answer your quiz going through question by question like a long questionnaire. 

See how you can create lively conversational quiz using logic in our shop demo.


How to start

To start adding logics to your quiz, click on “Logic” on the left panel.

Navigate to the question that you would like to attach a logic to and click “Add logic flow”

Click on “Add action” to add a new logic. (you may also add multiple actions) 

Select your preferred condition logic via the drop down menu. Enter your condition and select the question to jump to on the bottom drop down.


What are multiple actions?

You are allowed to add multiple actions to a single question. 

The way Shopping Quiz work on action is that it will test on the first action. If no action is triggered on the first, it will go on to test the second action and so forth. 


What are multiple conditions?

You can combine multiple logical condition in one action. For example: you may want condition 1 AND 2 to be true for the action to happen. This works similar to normal programming heuristics

Only two types of logical operator are allowed as below:

AND logic operator

Condition 1 AND condition 2, both conditions have to be true for question jump to happen.

OR logic operator

Condition 1  OR condition 2, either one condition has to be true for question jump to happen.


Question logics


Based on the different types of questions we have in Shopping Quiz, each question type have a set of logics associated with it. Logics are made intuitive and simple. Please find below description of all the logic types and do not hesitate to contact us if you have further queries.


Text Question logic

Test customer’s input on the test field against set conditions. All logics are not case sensitive.

Below is the list of logics.

Is - Response has to be exact to be true. Adding a space/period/comma or any punctuation will be not exact.

Is not - Response has to be exact to be not true. This is direct opposite of “is’

Starts with - Response has to start with a provided text sequence to be true. 

Does not start with - This is the direct opposite of “starts with”

Ends with - Response ends with a provided text sequence to be true.

Does not end with - This is the direct opposite of “ends with”

Contains - Response contains a provided text sequence. It can be in any part of the response to be true. 

Does not contain - Response does not contain any of the provided text sequence.


Number Question logic

Test customer’s input (numbers only) against a set of logical conditions. Negative numbers are allowed, but decimals are not allowed.

Below is the list of logics.

Is - Exact number to match and true. 

Is not - Exact number to be not true. Direct opposite of “is”

Is greater than - Response number is greater than given value to be true.

Is greater than or equals to - Response number is greater than or equals to given value, to be true

Is lower than - Response number is lower than given value to be true

Is lower than or equals to - Response number is lower than or equals to given value to be true


Multiple Choice and Multiple Choice With Image question logic

Based on customer selected choices (or non selection), jump to the intended question.


Yes/No Question logic

Based on customer selected response, jump to the intended question.

Example: If customer select “yes” then jump to question 5, else go to question 2.